Our power grid is one of the most valuable collective systems we have in the Netherlands. A system that we pay for and use together. A system on which everyone depends. Without electricity, our country grinds to a halt. Without power, our society and businesses come to a standstill.
Our power grid is globally renowned for its reliability, safety, and efficiency. We have ample electricity in the Netherlands. Yet, your and my power grid is increasingly under pressure, especially during peak moments. Moments when we all simultaneously demand or return electricity. Grid congestion has become an unavoidable reality in many areas. And that hurts. It limits businesses in their growth and in achieving their sustainability ambitions.
If we aim for a robust and flexible power grid, it’s essential to realize that the grid connects us all. That the power grid belongs to all of us. A valuable collective system that we must take good care of together. Because: My power grid is your power grid.
This is the foundation for a multi-layered campaign to raise awareness among Dutch businesses about the challenges facing our shared power grid, with the ultimate goal of encouraging behavior change. This will help ensure a future-proof grid that remains reliable, safe, efficient, and flexible. A grid that benefits businesses and the Netherlands as a whole.